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Monday, November 10, 2008

Next Cabinet Position: Secretary of the Treasury

A lot of speculation has been running around about Paul Volcker as the new Secretary of the Treasury, but I've been wondering whether a different Paul would be the way to go...

In specific, I'm thinking of Paul Krugman. Krugman won the Nobel Prize for Economics this year, and whenever I've heard him interviewed, he's made a lot of sense to me.

Now, economics is not a discipline in which I can claim any expertise, so perhaps I could be way off on this one, but I wonder if the two Pauls wouldn't do well in a combination of Treasury and FED chairman (the term of Ben Bernanke (the current FED chairman) does not end until 2010, so President Obama won't need to choose a replacement (or choose to renew his tenure) until then.

Still, Paul Krugman seems like a smart guy and perhaps one whom President Obama should tap for his expertise.



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